Female WWE Wrestlers

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Our selection of women WWE wrestlers has the top Divas in the last 40 years. It is essential to say that even though the female WWE Superstars are separated in categories, they all cover the best female wrestler’s main requirements. For example, the Fabulous Moolah is from the old-school WWE girls, has multiple titles, longest title reign, and has one of the longest wrestling careers. Read on to see what the rest of the WWE Divas have achieved.

Who Are the Diva WWE Wrestlers?

Charm, fighting skills, muscles, and sassy personality are the main qualities of every WWE Diva. The female wrestling Superstars we have listed in this article are the top examples of WWE wrestlers girls you can find. The selection of fighters you will see below was extremely difficult for us because there are over 100 WWE female Superstar wrestlers and many more who are not under the pro-wrestler spotlight.

🌟 Achievements Female WWE Wrestler
🏆 Most Titles Charlotte Flair
📡 Most Pay-Per-View Matches Trish Stratus
📅 Longest WWE Career Fabulous Moolah
👑 Longest Title Reign Fabulous Moolah
💪 Awards in Male WWE Chyna
💰 Richest Becky Lynch
💖 Most Charitable Stephanie McMahon
👶 Most Children Stephanie McMahon

As the main criteria, we picked Diva wrestlers with multiple titles and excelled in-ring performances. After that, we added charisma, body features, and personality. The third sift the Superstars went through is their involvement with the WWE storylines. The real-life personality and fan support were also considered in the creation of this list.

What makes the Divas role models in real life is motherhood. You will notice that not all female Superstars have children. This category is added simply as additional information and supports all women fighting “the baby weight” pounds.

Best Female WWE Wrestlers After 1995

The WWE ladies match up the male wrestlers in victories and wrestling career devotion. They create such an incredible show that more and more people are getting interested in. Today, there are many gambling websites and bookies where you can bet on your favourite WWE Diva. For example, the wrestling fans in Great Britain can try one of the UK’s best WWE betting sites for 2021. Here are the top three of the women WWE wrestlers after the year 1995.

Chyna (Joan Marie Laurer)

Facts about Chyna:

  • WWE Career: from 1996 to 2001 (retired)
  • WWF Intercontinental Champion: 2 titles
  • WWF Women’s Champion: 1 title
  • First woman in the Royal Rumble Tournament
  • First woman in the King of the Ring Tournament
  • The first woman to be No. 1 contender for the WWF Title
  • Playboy Covergirl
  • “If They Only Knew” – Chyna’s best-selling autobiography
  • Children: no
  • Deceased: accidental drug overdose on 17th April 2016 (46 years old)

The female WWE wrestlers have to combine the strength and agility of the biggest WWE wrestlers with the grace and gentleness of sexy eye candy. Even though all WWE Divas match that description, Chyna is the one who can fight like a man (even better) and look like a real woman. She began her career in the Attitude Era and was often called the “9th Wonder of the World”.

Chyna’s career began as a part of the D-Generation X renegade outlaws team. Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Undertaker, The Rock, and Triple H were some of the many male WWE wrestlers who had the misfortune to meet Chyna in the ring. Her most memorable feuds were with Jeff Jarrett and Chris Jericho and the entertaining relationship with Eddie Guerrero. Chyna quit WWE after the affair between Triple H and Stephanie McMahon was revealed.

Lita (Amy Christine Dumas)

Facts about Lita:

  • WWE Career: from 1999 to 2006 (retired)
  • PWI Woman of the Year: 2001
  • WWE Women’s Champion: 4 titles
  • Televised Matches: 149
  • WWE Hall of Fame in 2014
  • Net Worth: $3 million
  • Children: no

The fire-red-haired Lita is one of the game-changing women WWE wrestlers. Ever since the start, she proved to be tough as nails and performed moves, popular with the best WWE wrestlers. Lita is known as the first anti-Diva and the first female wrestler to demand women of WWE to be called Superstars instead of Divas. On the ring, Lita gave away kicks and moonsault. She became an inspiration to women by being tough and yet incredibly feminine.

One of the most iconic feuds in WWE history is the competition between Lita and Trish Straus. Their dispute would have been solved sooner if it was not for the terrible neck injury, which took away from Lita nearly a year-and-a-half. She returned as a vital component to Edge’s act, but Lita’s cheating on Matt Hardy with Edge and her bad neck led to her retirement.

Trish Stratus

Facts about Trish Straus:

  • WWE Career: from 2000 to 2006 (retired) and
  • WWE/F Women’s Champion: 7 titles
  • WWE Hardcore Champion: 1 title
  • Woman Pay-Per-View Matches: 39 (Most viewed Diva)
  • Televised Matches: 239
  • PWI Woman of the Year (2002, 2003, 2005, 2006)
  • WWE Diva of the Decade
  • WWE Hall of Fame 2013
  • Net Worth: $6 million
  • Children: 2

Next on our list of Diva WWE wrestlers is Trish Straus. Her beginning as an eye candy and manager/valet for the wrestlers’ team Test and Albert quickly ended, and she became a real wrestling star. Her flawless body and good fighting skills were not enough to make the audience ignore her debut on the microphone. Her second chance and hard work made her one of the top WWE Divas.

The drama that follows all great WWE Divas made Trish face of the Divas division for more than five years. At that time, she was one of Vince McMahon’s many mistresses, feud with his daughter Stephanie McMahon, and showed her genuine and tough character. During Straus’ career in WWE, her greatest competition for the all-time greatest No. 1 Diva was Lita. Stratus retired in 2006 but later returned for more action.

WWE Divas with Most Titles

Divas with Most Wins

The Divas are always after a new belt, crown, or any other nice trophy. In this section of our article, we selected three of the lady WWE wrestlers with the most wins, titles, and overall best performance. The Diva WWE Superstars in the rest of our categories also have a spot in this paragraph, but we chose not to repeat names and achievements. This might be done in another article dedicated to the WWE female Superstars.

Becky Lynch

Facts about Becky Lynch:

  • WWE Career: from 2002 to 2020 (retired because of pregnancy)
  • WWE World Championship: 1
  • Raw Women’s Championship: First woman to hold the Championship
  • Raw Women’s Championship: 398 days reign (8th April 2019 – 10th May 2020)
  • SmackDown Women’s Championship: 2
  • Children: 1

Becky Lynch “The Man” is undoubtedly one of the women WWE wrestlers with a dramatic career. She faced underestimation, betrayal, disappointment, and at a certain point, it looked as if she is alone against the world.

Becky’s determination and strong will helped her remove all obstacles on her path and she became one of the richest WWE wrestlers. Her titles piled up, and she would continue to kick a*s if she had not chosen motherhood over the wrestling career.

Beth Phoenix (Elizabeth Copeland)

Facts about Beth Phoenix:

  • WWE Career: from 2006 to 2012
  • WrestleMania matches: 4
  • WWE Women’s Champion: 3 titles
  • WWE Divas Champion: 1 title
  • Slammy Award for Diva of the Year: 2008
  • Woman Pay-Per-View Matches: 34 (Second most viewed Diva)
  • Children: 2

Beth Phoenix is one of the most dominant, destructive, and gorgeous Diva WWE wrestlers. Phoenix’s TV debut as Trish Stratus’s friend ended with an injury. Beth came back a year later as “The Glamazon” and quickly destroyed the smaller Divas.

The unlucky pairing with Santino ended when Santino threw her out of WrestleMania XXV’s Divas Battle Royal. In the following years Phoenix feuded with LayCool, Michelle McCool, and the badass Diva Natalya. But things went downhill, and despite the fans’ interest, Phoenix is reduced to a jobber level.

Charlotte Flair (Ashley Elizabeth Fliehr)

Facts about Charlotte Flair:

  • WWE Career: from 2012 and still wrestling
  • Divas Championship: 1 title
  • Raw Women’s Championship: 4 times
  • SmackDown Women’s Championship: 5 titles
  • NXT Women’s Championship: 2 titles
  • Women’s Royal Rumble: 1 title
  • WWE Year-End Award: 1 title
  • Children: no

Charlotte is leading our girls’ WWE wrestlers list with most titles. She has won the most championships, and with this broke Trish Straus’ championship record and ranked next to the WWE Superstar wrestlers. Ever since her debut with the company, Charlotte proved to be amongst the most prominent wrestlers. This great Diva is still going strong and winning titles in the female division. Undoubtedly, her last award will be entering the Hall of Fame when she retires.

Top Female WWE Wrestlers Prior 1995

Female WWE Wrestlers from the Past

Woman wrestling has existed since before the age of the gladiators. A girl fight has always been a sight to see on the ring and even more so when it happens outside on the streets. Today, the most popular fighters are part of the female WWE wrestlers team. They are adored by millions of people worldwide and enter the wagering lists of the best sports betting sites in the UK.

The greatest attention is always given to female wrestlers who are above a certain age and still fighting or have the longest careers. That inspired us to select the three best WWE Divas that signed up with WWE in the 1980s and remained leading fighters for their entire careers.

Alundra Blayze (Debrah Ann Miceli)

Facts about Alundra Blayze:

  • WWE Career: from 1984 to 2000 (retired)
  • WWE Championship held the title for 27 days
  • WWE 24/7 Championship: 1 title
  • WWF Women’s Championship 3 titles
  • WWF Women’s Championship Tournament: 1993
  • WWE Hall of Fame 2015
  • Children: no

Alundra Blayze, aka Madusa, aka Madusa Miceli, was born in Milan, Italy, in 1964. Life took her through several foster homes in Minneapolis, and she would become another child in the system if it were not for the sport. The 14-years old Debrah Ann spent her time at the gymnastics room and the running track when she was not working at a fast-food restaurant or studying.

Her pro wrestling career began under the name Madusa and took her through women’s pro-wrestling championships around the world, winning 9 titles. She joined WWE in 1993 as Alundra Blayze and kept writing history and inspiring younger wrestlers until her retirement in 2000. Blayze’s wild side outside of the ring led her to two USHRA Monster Jam World Finals – the Freestyle Co-Championship (2004) and the Racing Championship (2005).

Fabulous Moolah (Mary Lillian Ellison)

Facts about Fabulous Moolah:

  • WWE Career: from 1983 to 1987, sporadic appearances from 1998 to 2007
  • The first female inducted into the WWF Hall of Fame
  • WWF Women’s Champion: 4 titles
  • Women’s Championship’s oldest WWE champion at the age of 76
  • NWA Women’s Championship: title held for 28 years
  • Competed at the First WrestleMania at the age of 60
  • WWE Hall of Fame 1995
  • NWA Hall of Fame 2012
  • Professional Wrestling Hall of Fame 2003
  • Stampede Wrestling Hall of Fame 1995
  • Children: 1
  • Died 2nd November 2007 (age of 84)

The Fabulous Moolah made her wrestling debut in 1949. She spent a few decades raining the rings before becoming one of the WWE wrestlers girls at the age of 60. This female athlete proved that age is just a number by competing in the first WrestleMania. Moolah vanished after a feud with Wendi Richter and returned in 1999. She is one of the female wrestlers with the longest careers and most won prizes. Fabulous Moolah is considered by many to be the greatest woman wrestler of all time.

“Sensational” Sherri Martel

Facts about Sherri Martel:

  • WWE Career: from 1987 to 1993
  • WWF Women’s Championship: 1 title
  • WWF Women’s Championship title held for 15 months
  • Wrestling Observer newsletter Manager of the Year (1991)
  • WWE Hall of Fame 2006
  • Children: 1
  • Deceased: 2007

Diva WWE wrestlers are all about glamour and strength, and there are few tougher than “Sensational” Sherri Martel. She defeated Fabulous Moolah and held the Women’s Championship for 15 months. After that, Sherri decided to excel in the managerial position and soon became one of its best heels. Martel is in the centre of one of the most entertaining feuds and the biggest WWE stories between her and Randy Savage against Hulk Hogan and Miss Elizabeth.

WWE Divas at Their Best in Life

WWE Divas in Life

The female WWE wrestlers are an inspiration to many generations of young girls. The tough personalities we see on the ring can be seen in the women wrestlers’ lives. This does not mean that they walk around getting into fights. The female WWE Superstars show their strength in gracious and kind ways that inspire and draw people to their causes. Our examples below are two of the most charitable and hard-working WWE Divas on the ring and in real life.

Stephanie McMahon

Facts about Stephanie McMahon:

  • WWE Career: from 1998 to the present day
  • WWF Women’s Champion: 1 title
  • PWI Woman of the Year (2000)
  • Children: 3

Most women WWE wrestlers undergo an entire evolution as part of their WWE stories. An excellent example is “The Billion Dollar Princess” Stephanie McMahon who appeared as sweet and nice during the Attitude Era. Her involvement in WWF storylines leads to her kidnapping by the Ministry of Darkness. Her on-screen romantic life went through engagement to Test, an affair with Triple H and on-air marriage to him. One story no one talks about is when she made out with Eric Bischoff.

Miss McMahon may not be as tough as Fabulous Moolah or Beth Phoenix, but she took on Lita, Trish Stratus, and Vince McMahon (her father). Stephanie became SmackDown’s general manager and kept appearing at WWE. In real life, Stephanie McMahon is a mother of 3 and one of the most famous athletes with charities alongside WWE Superstars like Josh Cena, Dwane Johnson, The Undertaker, Hulk Hogan, and her husband Triple H.

Paige (Saraya-Jade Bevis)

Facts about Paige:

  • WWE Career: from 2005 to 2018 (retired for medical reasons)
  • NXT Women’s Champion: 1
  • Divas Titles: 3
  • Children: no

The thing that makes the girls WWE wrestlers of the 2000s different from the first WWE female Superstars is social media. Today, girls from all around the world have access to the female wrestlers’ lives and search for inspiration. At first, the pale-faced goth Paige looked more like an Anti-Diva rather than a good role model. She proved everyone wrong the moment she became captain of the PCB team during the Women’s Evolution.

She continued to prove worthy of the fans’ affection by bringing Sonya Deville and Mandy Rose to Raw. Paige also excelled as SmackDown LIVE’s General Manager and contributor on “WWE Backstage”. Paige’s life is so fascinating that in 2019 it was adapted into a movie “Fighting with My Family”. In the cast, we can see actors like Florence Pugh playing Bevis, Dwane Johnson as himself, and Lena Headey as Julia Knight.

Female WWE Wrestlers Popular Questions

This is where you can find the answers to the most popular questions regarding female WWE wrestlers. We will give you answers and offer a link to the relevant paragraph in our article. Read on to learn which Diva Superstars have the most titles, longest career, and more.

👠 Who are the most famous WWE Diva Superstars?

All female WWE wrestlers have thousands and sometimes millions of fans worldwide. The incredible personality of each WWE Diva Superstar inspires admiration. We selected the toughest, sexiest, and most exceptional Divas loved by generations of WWE fans and described their careers and achievements in our article.

👸🏻 Which are the best female WWE wrestlers?

Ranking the top Diva WWE wrestlers after 1995 may seem like an easy task, but it is not. We used multiple criteria to create our ranking, and the main ranking requirement was the Diva’s wins and titles. The result is three female WWE Superstars who are fan-favourite, perfect eye-candy, and can kick a*s like a man.

🏆 Who has most wins in women WWE wrestling?

All WWE female Superstars in our article have won multiple titles and deserve a place in this listing. Even so, we limited our women WWE wrestlers with most titles selection to Charlotte Flair, Becky Lynch, and Beth Phoenix. We listed their achievements, alliances, and even their greatest rivals during their WWE careers.

✨ Who are the top female WWE wrestlers from the past?

The history of the WWE wrestlers girls goes way beyond the 2000s and the social media era. Some of the best female Superstars signed up with WWE in the 1980s and ruled the ring for decades. We have selected the top women WWE wrestlers from the past that changed this sport and remained in the fans’ hearts forever.

💖 Which are the most charitable WWE Diva Superstars?

The girls WWE wrestlers show their strength on the ring, mind in business, and good hearts in real life. It is well known that all WWE Superstars give away autographs to their fans and participate in charities. Paige and Stephanie McMahon are excellent examples of WWE Divas at their best behaviour.

🐅 How to become a female WWE wrestler?

Many young girls wonder how they can become great WWE wrestlers like Fabulous Moolah, Lita, Charlotte Flair, or the rest of the WWE Divas. The answer is hard work, devotion, and dedication, especially if you aim for every single title in every WWE championship.

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