Lookin to Get Out Movie Review

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Lookin to Get Out 1982 – Produced with Love

Released on the 8th of October 1982, Lookin to Get Out was directed by Hal Ashby, with Jon Voight making his debut as co-screenwriter. Hal Ashby was a popular director in the 70s and had previously worked with Voight in ‘Coming Home’. Both men had significant freedom when producing this fun improvised comedy, which also served as a passion project to showcase their skills.

📅 Release Date 8th of October, 1982
🎬 Director Hal Ashby
✍️ Screenwriters Al Schwartz, Jon Voight
🎟️ Box Office $946,461
🎞️ Genre Comedy
⏰ Runtime 105 Minutes
⭐ IMDB Rating 5.2/10
🏢 Production Company Lorimar
💰 Budget $17,000,000

Unfortunately, Lookin to Get Out 1982 was faced with initial delays when filming, and the final version was recut for the theatrical release. The distribution company was even changed to Paramount Pictures. Despite the production issues, the movie would still see a theatrical release and people could finally see the plot unfold.

Lookin to Get Out Trailer and Story – A Comedy of Coincidences

The plot of the movie is simple. Alex Kovac is a compulsive gambler in serious trouble, as he loses $10,000 and becomes indebted to vicious bookies. He decides that the quickest way to pay off this debt is to go to Vegas with his friend Jerry Feldman to try and win back his money by conning some blackjack casino games at the MGM Grand.

When the duo gets there, they discover that someone else named Jerry Feldman is on the ‘comp’ list, and the two men suddenly find themselves with a personal suite and unlimited credit after tricking the staff. They also meet Patti Warner, Alex’s ex-girlfriend and current mistress of the casino’s owner, during their stay.

With the help of Smitty, a card-counter at the casino, will the two be able to pay off their debt and walk away or will their luck finally run out and get captured by the angry bookies? Take a look at the Lookin to Get Out trailer below for a peek at the plot.

While the plot itself is by the books, the character interactions are what make the movie worth watching. Ashby almost parodies the typical gambling movie by having the characters stumble into favourable situations and need to overcome their own addiction to break even.

As there aren’t many twists in the plot, it can sometimes feel like little happens, but that is offset by the zany cast of characters. There are plenty of fun moments to enjoy, from Alex and Jerry’s friendly banter to wild chases around the casino, including a dramatic subplot with Alex’s ex-girlfriend.

The MGM Grand in Lookin to Get Out

The Lookin to Get Out movie takes place in the fantastic MGM Grand Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas. While the beginning of the film is set in New York, the rest of it takes place in one of the most famous casino resorts in the Sin City. Aside from the luxurious hotel suites and games such as craps, the movie also presents the magic shows performed by Siegfried and Roy and even lets you peek at the ’employees only’ areas during several chase scenes.

Lookin to Get Out Movie Cast

Ultimately, even a simple plot can become enjoyable with the right cast of characters. The actors in Lookin to Get Out 1982 are particularly interesting to watch as their personalities clash with each other and create hilarious banter. Jon Voight and Burt Young are a regular comedy duo with Young’s levelheadedness contrasting Voight’s boisterous character. The two leads carry the show and make every scene they’re in a memorable one.

Aside from the two main characters, the movie’s supporting cast also delivers as they perfectly complement Voight and Young to create some insanely fun situations. Ann-Margret adds a pinch of drama to spice up the film as Alex’s ex-girlfriend Patti Warner, giving both characters much-needed depth and a break from the comedic elements. Meanwhile, Bernie Gold serves as a good antagonist, slowly catching onto Alex’s scheme.

🎭 Role 🤵 Actor
Alex Kovac Jon Voight
Jerry Feldman Burt Young
Smitty Bert Remsen
Patti Warner Ann-Margret
Richard Bradford Bernie Gold
Tosh Kovac Angelina Jolie

This movie was also the debut of Angelina Jolie, Jon Voight’s daughter. She would play Alex Kovac and Patti Warner’s daughter for a brief scene near the movie’s end. All the actors deliver incredible performances, filled with a genuine passion for their roles.

It is clear from the start that everyone on the production team enjoyed making the Lookin to Get Out movie. The actors fit their roles perfectly, and the simple plot allowed for freedom and improvisation, making each interaction memorable and unique. But the real question is: how did the audience receive this movie?

Lookin to Get Out Reception – Poor Performance

Unfortunately, the movie was received very poorly when it first came out. The original theatrical production managed to earn only $946,461 in the box office and couldn’t break even on the budget. Currently the movie has a 5.2/10 score on IMDB and a score of 44 on Metacritic. On Rotten Tomatoes it has an audience score of 29% and a critic score of 31%. Despite the enthusiasm the team had when producing this film, it would unfortunately flounder and be forgotten for years.

In his Lookin to Get Out movie review, one critic gives some insight on why the movie failed with audience reception. Although the actors gave excellent performances, the plot itself was a bit boring, and sometimes even ridiculous. Alex and Jerry seemingly never faced the consequences for their actions and were constantly presented with favourable situations, without anyone getting suspicious until the very end. The jokes would fail to land, and there were few twists, creating an overall dull experience.

Interesting fact:

Burt Young was initially sceptical of the movie’s script. He wanted to work with Voight but was not convinced it would succeed. When Voight started acting out scenes in Burt’s living room, he was finally convinced to star in the movie.

However, the movie’s fate does not end here. The theatrical release of the film was not the original cut created by Hal Ashby. Due to disagreements, Lorimar produced their own version instead. The original was donated to the University of Southern California, where Jon Voight would discover it while giving a speech. This cut would then be released in 2009 by Warner Home Video on DVD.

Since the original cut’s release, an extended version containing new scenes, the verdict on the movie has changed. While still a bit dull at times and indeed not Ashby’s most remarkable work, it’s a good idea to watch Lookin to Get Out for its outstanding performances and enjoyable simplicity. It might not win any awards, but it is a charming production, nonetheless.

Rediscovering Lookin to Get Out

We believe Lookin to Get Out is a fun movie that deserves to be seen at least once. While it does not have the depth and complexity of Ashby’s previous works, it is still a charming movie filled with light-hearted moments and exciting characters. Its simplistic plot allows the actors to improvise and create something unique with their various interactions.

If you want to watch Lookin to Get Out, you can find it on Amazon Prime, Apple TV and Vudu for rent or streaming. Additionally, you can find a physical copy of it on DVD if you prefer. Whichever you choose, the movie is readily available and easy to find.

Note that all current versions of the movie are of the original Ashby cut so that you can enjoy this passion project to its fullest. It might not be one of the best gambling movies, but it is undoubtedly a charming film. With its funny performances and memorable characters, this movie is well worth a watch.

Lookin to Get Out FAQ Section

In this short section of our Lookin to Get Out movie review, we will answer any pressing questions you may have, such as where to watch it for yourself. You can also find extra details about its production and plot so that you can enjoy this movie to the fullest.

📖 Who wrote the script for Lookin to Get Out 1982?

According to the movie’s official information the script was written by Al Schwarz and Jon Voight, with this being Jon’s screenwriting debut. The two met when Voight’s brother Chip Taylor introduced them to each other after Schwarz mentions his movie project to Chip. Voight is impressed with the initial script and decides to help co-write it.

❓ Why did Alex and Jerry decide to go to Vegas?

The reason the two men go to Vegas is the focus of the movie’s main plot as shown in the Lookin to Get Out trailer. Alex owes $10,000 to some bookies and must pay it back soon. As a compulsive gambler, his best idea is to try and win the money back by conning a casino.

🎥 Who played Alex Kovac in the Lookin to Get Out movie?

Among the movie’s wide cast of characters, the lead role of Alex Kovac is played by Jon Voight himself. When originally writing the script, he did not intend to make the role for himself. The two screenwriters struggled to find the right person for the job and concluded that Voight would be perfect for the role.

🍿 How was the movie received by the audience?

The initial reception for the movie was incredibly poor. People were dissatisfied with the simplistic plot and lacklustre jokes, making the movie a total flop on release. However, with the newly discovered original cut, the movie has garnered some positive reception for its outstanding acting and memorable character interactions. It is considered an overall enjoyable experience.

📺 Where can I watch Lookin to Get Out?

With the newly discovered Ashby cut of the film and the Internet, you can easily watch the movie for yourself. It is available on Amazon Prime, Apple TV and Vudu for streaming and rent. Additionally, you can find a copy of it on DVD if you prefer to have a physical version for your enjoyment.

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