Air Travelers Say “Yes” to Health Passports


A study of over 9,000 people was recently conducted  by Censuswide, and it found that most people don’t mind health passports if they will facilitate global travelers. In fact, over 90% of those questioned said they will be comfortable using a digital health passport on their future trips.

An equal number of those surveyed also said they were concerned about how their personal health data would be stored, highlighting the need for providers to demonstrate privacy and safety.

Additionally, 74% of travelers stated that they would be willing to store their travel health data electronically in order to pass through the airport faster and with fewer face-to-face interactions.

Also, 38% of respondents were concerned about hacks of their health data and about privacy and 30% were worried about a lack of transparency and about control over where the data is shared.

You can read more about the potential use of health passports at Travel Pulse.

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