Against Overwhelming Odds

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We recommend you read the whole thing before setting out on your adventure in the unforgiving Shadowland. Since there is qiute a bit of controversy surrounding the quest, we will do our best to guide you through the key moments of it so that you can pas sit with flying colours.

What is “World PVP” in WoW Against Overwhelming Odds?

We want to share a word about PvP (player versus player) because the objective in WoW’s against Overwhelming Odds is to participate in 25 player kills. If you come from a PvE (player versus environment) background, you are probably used to focusing on NPC battles and completing side quests that unravel the storyline.

Blizzard decided to merge the best of both world into one whole by integrating a new feature called ‘War Mode’. To understand why this was necessary, you must first understand where the problem laid in the very beginning when servers were separated into PvP and PvE ones.

The beforementioned ‘good old times’ were unforgiving ones for players choosing a PvP server. Imagine being the new kid in class but in a game with a level system. In the classical sense, CS:GO betting sites give you the best idea what player versus player looks like.

Campers and honour-seeking hunting groups would make life miserable for peaceful players trying to level up. Now that there is ‘War Mode’ – an in-game mode – you can turn it on to enter battles with the opposing factions. More importantly, you cannot be targeted while opted out of War Mode. Then you can get about your other quests that don’t involve PvP without having a target on your back.

Introduction to Against Overwhelming Odds Quest

The quest description of Against Overwhelming Odds in WoW is a tad too short for our taste. This is something we want to address by summing up the important information about the quest. There are two main things you need to ask yourself going into this: if your character’s level is high enough and what do you can get out of it. Both are reasonable questions that have everything to do with the quest Against Overwhelming Odds in WoW. Here is an overview of the key moments.

Against Overwhelming Odds Facts
🌎 Zone The Shadowlands
⭐ Required Level 50
✔️ Type Weekly PvP Quests
🏆 Reward Piece of 59 lvl Equipment
🥇 Other Gains 75 Reputation
🕒 Time Limit No
🐎 Raid No

Where to Find the Quest Against Overwhelming Odds

First, you will have to reach level 50 in order to ‘travel’ to the Shadowlands, which is the new realm introduced in the 2020 WoW expansion with the same name. Most of the Shadowlands is a contested territory as The Alliance and the Horde battle it out day in and day out. It’s a rather inhospitable place that sets the tone for PvP battles and lots of related quests.

Interesting fact:

A lot of horde players complain about not having an incentive to play in War Mode and question the efficiency of “Against Overwhelming Odds” in what it was intended to do.

Against Overwhelming Odds BFA is available to both factions. For the Alliance side, the quest giver is Master Mathias Shaw in Boralus. The Horde’s taskmaster Garona Halforcen in Zuldazar will give you the quest if you are a 50+ level Horde player. Alliance players turn in the quest to Grand Marshal Tremblade, also found in Boralus, while Horde players must seek High Warlord Volrath in Zuldazar. The travel distance between the quest’s start and end destinations isn’t too great, so don’t worry about it. Against Overwhelming Odds horde used to be easy to obtain in Battle for Azeroth.

The Goal in WoW Against Overwhelming Odds Horde and Alliance

No matter which side you are on, the quest will have you fight the opposing side until you or your party scores 25 kills anywhere within the Shadowlands. Actually, it’s recommendable that you don’t go solo on this one because PvP is a risky business. Moreover, the quest holds true to its name and for Against Overwhelming Odds to be available the opposing faction must really be gaining the upper hand. Here is the timeline that must be followed to bring the quest to closure.

  • Enable War Mode
  • Accept the quest from Master Mathias Shaw or Garona Halforcen
  • Locate and slay 25 enemy players
  • Turn the quest into Grand Marshal Tremblade or High Warlord Volrath
  • Accept the reward

The situation is very much reminiscent of how things are with the esports betting sites – risk is high, but there’s also a reward on the line. That means you better team up with other players if you really care about completing the quest quickly. Another detail you can read about in Wowhead Against Overwhelming Odds is to get the kills while in the Shadowlands, which is a newly-introduced world to the WoW universe.

About the Shadowlands

The Shadowlands is the setting for the WoW quest ‘Against Overwhelming Odds’. This new territory was brought by the eight expansion World of Warcraft: Shadowlands. This new realm is divided into 5 zones which can also be viewed as continents due to them being separate. The whole concept of this realm is very deeply rooted in mythology, so Blizzard developers initially wanted it to be explored by foot. You can get around by using gateway portals or by flying. Flying is unlocked by doing basic activities in-game and earning renown.

The WM Buff

The Alliance love it, Horde players complain about it, Blizzard claims it’s fair. Did you guess what this is yet? The WM buff (short for War Mode buff) grants enhanced healing and damage to players with War Mode turned on. Such players instantly gain the status of ‘Soldier of the Alliance’ or ‘Soldier of the Horde’ depending on their faction.

If you manage a streak of 15 consecutive kills, you graduate to ‘Assassin’, and this is when you get the healing and damage bonus. That bonus is the bone of contention as the Alliance obviously can gain up to a 30% buff to their damage and healing. This feature is meant as an equalizer, not to frustrate players who have to deal with it.

The Fastest Way to Complete Against Overwhelming Odds

The year-old strategy of camping flight points is back more overused than ever. Forget about finding stray enemy players in the open. People with a little more experience in the game simply siege up the flight points and wait for their unsuspecting enemies to fly into them. You will rack up the 25 kills demanded by Against Overwhelming Odds BFA in no time by doing that. Alternatively, Alliance players would also camp the Oribos portal in the Maw.

Team of People Working Together

What’s even better is that the enemy players will not be able to regroup and strike as a unit. Be advised that, again, this is an overused strategy, and you might fall victim to it as well if not careful. After all, WoW tournaments are some of the best to watch eSports tournaments exactly for the intense PvP action. Remember that whatever you do, you will need a strong team on your side to contend with the opposing faction.

Against Overwhelming Odds Issues and Fixes

There was a point in time when WoW players still struggled to understand how the quest really works and even voiced opinions that it’s not balanced. Unlike Against Overwhelming Odds BFA where both factions were euqlly interested to turn war mode on. Nowadays, it’s often the case that Horde players would be willing to battle in PvP and literally overwhelm Alliance players. That forced Blizzard to take measures to tip the scales in a way. In the process, many question marks have risen, small bugs occurred, and fixes were introduced. Here are the common issues that players bump heads into and how to solve them.

Player Kills Don’t Count

There was a known issue preventing players from gaining credit for the quest “Against Overwhelming Odds”. The bug was fixed in November 2020 as reported on the official support page. In the official feedback, players are reminded that only player kills of enemies who are 60+ level will count. This response is somewhat at odds (pun intended) with the description of the quest itself, but it all seems to be alright right now. All character levels 50 and above can participate at an equal footing.

The Quest is not Available at the Moment

You could think of this quest as a mechanism that stabilizes the balance of power in the Shadowlands. It will only appear if one faction has a superior number of players with War Mode on. Next time you don’t see Against Overwhelming Odds horde available in the quest giver’s log, check the War Mode Buff. If the buff is less than 20%, then there are not enough players with War Mode to justify the reward in the quest; hence, it can’t start. It’s touch and go whether the quest will be up for grabs, a bit like betting on League of Legends online.

Unable to Turn in Azerite Earned in Against Overwhelming Odds

Azerite is a valuable in-game resource described as the crystallized blood of Azeroth. It’s a pretty big deal, as you can imagine, given that the name of such a monumental figure is mentioned in the same breath. One of the rewards from completing the quest Against Overwhelming Odds is Azerite, and it’s common sense to try and turn it in for the quest Azerite for the Alliance. You know, kill two birds with one stone.

Interesting fact:

‘Against Overwhelming Odds’ is different for players level 50 and those who are 60+. Azerite is among the spoils of war only if your character is between level 50 and 60.

The thing is, if you have already completed this weekly quest (the Azerite one) and you received a Treasure Map, the item might cause a problem. You will receive an error message “Quest Failed: Duplicate Item Found” for having a Treasure Map – which is a unique item – in your inventory. Either discard the Treasure Map or use it accordingly before submitting the Azerite.


Playing WoW is a labour of love for so many online gamers whose curiosity is full of lingering questions. We will try and shed a bit more light on the vast topic, which is World of Warcraft quests, by answering the most common questions about Against Overwhelming Odds.

🗺️ Where to get against overwhelming odds?

This is a hallmark quest from the expansion Shadowlands. More specifically, the quest giver Master Mathias Shaw, located in Boralus Read more about the the whereabouts of Against Overwhelming Odds, and the best strategies for the quest in our review.

🤔 How to do the quest Against Overwhelming Odds?

Against Overwhelming Odds’ goal is to incentivize more players to turn War Mode on. Therefore, you will be taking on the PvP objective to slay 25 enemy players. We recommend using a strategy and a party of trusted fellow players when you set out to do that.

📝 How to get against overwhelming odds quest on multiple characters?

There is no reason for you not to be able to get Against Overwhelming Odds on two or more characters. The only thing stopping you is mentioned in the description of the quest. If the opposing faction doesn’t have an overwhelming number of players with War Mode on the quest will be unavailable.

🧑 Who can get the quest Against Overwhelming Odds?

Characters that are level 50 and above qualify for the quest. Initially, it was Alliance-only, but now there’s the same quest for Horde players with a character level 120. For additional details, consult our table with facts about Against Overwhelming Odds.

🐞 WoW Against Overwhelming Odds Bugs and Glitches

The common WoW bugs in the quest Against Overwhelming Odds area already fixed. In the past, there were reports of player kills not being counted correctly, but that’s history. At present, there are no known issues that can hamper playthrough.

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