Nevada Gaming Win Crawls Back Over $1 Billion


For the first time since February of 2020, the Nevada gaming win has topped $1 billion. This is yet another strong indication that the state is recovering strongly from the pandemic.

The Nevada Gaming Control Board reported that gaming in the state raked in a win of $1.066 billion in March, which was up from just over $770 million in February.

Casinos and other gaming establishments in the state should continue to see a strong rebound, as more workers and residents receive vaccinations, and capacity limits and social distancing rules become more relaxed.

The state announced plans to raise the maximum capacity limits for entertainment venues and casinos to 80% beginning May 1st. If all goes well then the maximum capacity limit could be eliminated all together, allowing them to fully reopen by June 1st.

For more on the recovery of Nevada gaming visit Fox 5 News.

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