Gambling Horoscope for 2021

Gambling News

In the article, we’re going to give a brief explanation of what a horoscope is. We’re going to track the connection between zodiacs and gambling, as well as give you some tips on how you can read your own birth chart. Of course, we’ll dive into the yearly horoscope itself, giving you a short and informative prediction of the gambling horoscope 2021 for each sign. We’ve also prepared some extra information on topics that you will definitely find interesting. Enjoy!

What Is a Horoscope?

A horoscope is a forecast of a person’s future, based on their zodiac sign. Also called a birth chart, this forecast shows placements of the planets and other signs around your zodiac, each representing different things in your life – love, prosperity, health, etc. A lot of newspapers, magazines and online platforms provide daily, weekly, monthly, every yearly horoscope for each of the 12 signs.

Often, a horoscope is based on a system of Solar star astrology. A lot of astrologers refer to it and use it when making predictions. The position of the Sun at the time of birth gives you your star sign, also known as Sun sign. Every person has a Moon and rising (ascendant) signs as well, and there are astrologers that make horoscopes based on them. One’s horoscope can be interpreted and presented differently in different cultures, but the overall concept is the same.

A natal chart is a complex construction with a lot of elements, including other zodiac signs, planet placements, angles and houses. There are four primary angles in the chart: First House (Ascendant – East Angle), Tenth House (Midheaven – North Angle), Seventh House (Descendant – West Angle) and Fourth House (Imum Coeli – South Angle). The Houses are the twelve equal divisions of the ecliptic. Of course, we have the whole zodiac, as well as placements of the planets and aspects, all of which are located at certain degrees depending on the date and time of birth. The Astro-chart should look something like this:

Horoscope Chart

There are a lot of resources online if you want to check your own birth chart or to impress your friends with some astrology. If not, you can leave it to the professionals (*cough* us *cough*). There are also a ton of creators online that provide zodiac horoscope and tarot readings that you should check out.

Zodiac Signs and Gambling

Most zodiac signs gamble or have gambled a few times in their lifetime. We are curious creatures that want to try everything, especially winning money while playing. Each representative of the 12 signs is different and has their gambling preferences. Some enjoy playing slots, others prefer live dealer games and sports betting.

This is what the gambling horoscope is for. As mentioned, horoscopes are meant to predict certain events in our lives or give a general overview of everything. There are predictions for love, health, as well as for money and luck. Gambling horoscope forecasts are meant to do that – predict lucky gambling days, colours and numbers for each sign, depending on the birth period.

Before we hop into the horoscope itself, we would like to add a few disclaimers. Firstly, not all predictions you read here or on any other websites should be taken too seriously. They are meant to guide you, suggest what is best for you so that you have fun and be successful.

Secondly, we do not force anyone to gamble! This article is meant for the curious ones, for the gamblers that believe in astrology and want some extra guidance. If you or someone you know is struggling with gambling addiction, this post may not be suitable for you. We recommend you check out our other blog posts about gambling disorder and helpful organisations such as GamCare, where you will find all the info you need.

Thirdly, throughout the gambling horoscope, we will mention online games and online casino sites. All sites and games that are listed are licensed and regulated by the UKGC and/or other authorities. The casino sites are safe and legit, and you can enter them at any time.

Thank you for your attention! Now that we’ve got all that out of the way, we think it is about time you scroll down to our gambling horoscope for 2021.

Gambling Horoscope for 2021

We’ve come to the moment you’ve all been waiting for! Make sure you check the horoscope for your Moon and Rising signs as well. This will give you a full picture of what the stars say about you. Please be advised that these are general horoscope predictions for each sign. Take what resonates and leave what doesn’t. Here we go!

Aries – Horns First


You are a fiery being that loves to take over new challenges and learn something new every day. You are organised, yet all over the place at the same time, because you want to do everything right now. Aries, we suggest you stay away from slot machines and card games. Why don’t you try roulette? We kind of have the sense that you might enjoy the game, plus go home with a little extra in your wallet. Also, you may try your luck at some of the popular lottery sites. You have some pretty good numbers that you should play with.

  • Lucky Colour/s: White, Green
  • Lucky Number/s: 9
  • Recommended Games: Lottery
  • Recommended Casinos: Betfred Lotto
  • Lucky Days: Monday

Taurus – Spin and Win


Tauruses are a pleasure to be around! People that represent the sign are patient, hardworking and persistent. You guys are not comfortable in trying new things, you stick to your comfort zone, but you can be spontaneous at times. You are slot enthusiasts, and this is the game that will bring you the most joy and profit. We recommend you check out some of the top slot casino sites available.

  • Lucky Colour/s: Red, Black
  • Lucky Number/s: 6
  • Recommended Games: Slot Machines
  • Recommended Casinos: Genesis Casino
  • Lucky Days: Friday

Gemini – Lucky Number 3


Hello, Gemini! You are an air sign, aren’t you? People born under this zodiac are outgoing, friendly and always ready to travel to exotic destinations. This is going to be an interesting year, Geminis! You should manage your finances well and avoid making big deals in gambling or at the workplace. However, a little birdy told us that you should try your luck playing bingo and/or the lottery. You’re up for a pleasant surprise!

  • Lucky Colour/s: Yellow
  • Lucky Number/s: 3,5,7,8,25
  • Recommended Games: Bingo, Lottery
  • Recommended Casinos: Wink Bingo
  • Lucky Days: Wednesday

Cancer – Safely Moving to a Win


You sweet, gentle souls! Cancer is the cardinal water sign, and it represents the mother figure. You are caregivers and healers, and you don’t like big crowds and loud events. People born under this sign definitely prefer to play at online casinos from the comfort of their homes, rather than visiting land-based ones. And, since you’re not a big risk-taker, we suggest you play low-stakes games like slots, maybe bingo as well. You won’t become a millionaire, but you will still get some extra cash and have fun.

  • Lucky Colour/s: Silver, White
  • Lucky Number/s: 2,4,7,13
  • Recommended Games: Slot Machines
  • Recommended Casinos: The Grand Ivy
  • Lucky Days: Monday

Leo – Fiery Sports Enthusiast


We really feel the heat with this fire sign! Leos, you are fantastic beings! You are loyal, open-minded, always up for a challenge. Most of you are huge sports fans and/or play sports yourself. Fantasy football and any other sports betting activity are the ones that will bring you the big money and a little bit of a sugar rush. There are fantastic online sports betting sites that you will enjoy!

  • Lucky Colour/s: Gold
  • Lucky Number/s: 1, 11, 21
  • Recommended Games: Sports Betting
  • Recommended Casinos: Betway
  • Lucky Days: Friday

Virgo – The Organised Player


Virgos, you are, well, predictable in the best way possible. You are very organised and self-disciplined. Representatives of this zodiac like to be in control and to make sure everything is perfect and symmetrical. You guys are not into gambling as much since you don’t like the idea of games of chance. But some of you might get lucky if you give it a try. Blackjack is a great option for you – it is a game that involves strategic thinking, and there are game variants with low stakes that you can play.

  • Lucky Colour/s: Green, Bown
  • Lucky Number/s: 6,7,30
  • Recommended Games: Blackjack
  • Recommended Casinos: Guts Casino
  • Lucky Days: Wednesday

Libra – Decisions, Decisions


This is probably the most confusing sign in the zodiac for us. Libras represent balance, yet that is not the case for everyone. If you are a Libra, you are probably very indecisive and get anxious when you don’t know what to do. You are very outgoing but also very distant. You like the concept of a challenge, but you rarely dive into it because it scares you. Maybe this is not going to be your year, Libras. We advise you to avoid gambling for a bit. Maybe try scratchcards and lottery but try and control yourself since you tend to go a little overboard.

  • Lucky Colour/s: Pink
  • Lucky Number/s: 6, 13, 26
  • Recommended Games: Scratchcards, Lottery
  • Recommended Casinos: SlotsMillion
  • Lucky Days: Fridays

Scorpio – The Silent Winner


Scorpio is the water sign that most people love to hate. Representatives of this zodiac are mysterious, very introverted, and analytical. Like Cancers, you prefer the comfort of your own home, so you’ll probably be more comfortable gambling online. Any type of card games is your forte – they require strategy and concentration. You might be a quiet zodiac sign, but you sure are lucky, especially this year. Start small with your bets and let the magic happen.

  • Lucky Colour/s: Black
  • Lucky Number/s: 1,4,9
  • Recommended Games: Poker, Blackjack, Baccarat
  • Recommended Casinos: NetBet Casino
  • Lucky Days: Saturday

Sagittarius – The Money Boss


Sagittarius is the real money-maker here! This is the zodiac sign that is the light of the party and the first person to come take care of you when you are sad or ill. Spontaneous and very impatient, people born under this sign are always ready for some extra adrenalin. Like with Leo, sports betting, fantasy sports, everything related to sports and gambling fits Sagittarius’s gambling needs. But be careful – when you are impulsive, you tend to make bad decisions.

  • Lucky Colour/s: Purple
  • Lucky Number/s: 5,6
  • Recommended Games: Fantasy Sports
  • Recommended Casinos: bet365
  • Lucky Days: Thursday

Capricorn – Calm Money Flow


Capricorn is the best representation of an earth sign – calm, grounded and very hardworking. Capricorns are usually very quiet and have the ultimate ‘poker face’ no matter which game they play at the casino. People representing this zodiac sign are not avid gamblers but like to place some bets from time to time. Card games, slots and roulette are the recommended games for you guys.

  • Lucky Colour/s: Gray
  • Lucky Number/s: 2,3,7
  • Recommended Games: Card Games, Roulette
  • Recommended Casinos: LeoVegas
  • Lucky Days: Saturday

Aquarius – The Unrealistic Gambler


Aquarius is next in line. You guys can be very organised and tackle multiple things at the same time, but your attention span is quite short, and you lose interest easily. But you are a very good gambler when you decide to visit the casino or open a mobile casino app in your leisure time. Slots and jackpot games are your top choices, and we feel that they might get you closer to a big win. Good luck!

  • Lucky Colour/s: Blue
  • Lucky Number/s: 2,3,7,9
  • Recommended Games: Slots
  • Recommended Casinos: Ladbrokes
  • Lucky Days: Saturday

Pisces – Safety First, Jackpot Second


Last, but not least, Pisces. Another very gentle and timid water sign. Like Cancers and Libras, people with this sign are indecisive, anxious and comfort lovers. Similar to Scorpios, Pisces are extra introverted and avoid crowded spaces. But don’t underestimate this zodiac sign, as representatives are going to be lucky in 2021. Your dedication and manifestations make it easier for money to flow to you. There might be some lows along the way, so be careful with your decisions and your wallet.

  • Lucky Colour/s: Light Green, Silver
  • Lucky Number/s: 5,7,9
  • Recommended Games: Slots, Bingo
  • Recommended Casinos: PlayOjO Casino
  • Lucky Days: Thursday

Ophiuchus – The 13th Zodiac

Ophiuchus the 13th Zodiac

Something that made all astrology believers panic a little was when NASA ‘discovered’ a constellation that was unofficially marked as the 13th zodiac sign. Yes, we’re talking about Ophiuchus – “The Serpent Bearer”. No, the zodiac has not changed, the 12 signs are still there. So, why panic? Let us explain.

The constellations that we know and see are in line with the Earth and the Sun. The Earth travels through 13 signs, including the controversial Ophiuchus. It is said that the 13th sign is the sign of doctors and healers, hence the imagery of the serpent. In Greek mythology, Ophiuchus represents Asclepius – the first doctor. The sign represents the middle between life and death.

3000 years ago, the Babylonians decided that 12 signs were enough. They corresponded with the 12 months of their calendar, the one we know and use today. Therefore, Ophiuchus was excluded from the zodiac for the sake of symmetry and balance.

The 13th sign was sometimes used as an extra-zodiacal indicator. Some astrologers still use it nowadays. There were a few times throughout history when the conversation about Ophiuchus popped up. This includes lots of articles back in the 30s, as well as in the 70s by Steven Schmidt in his ‘Astrology 14’. Schmidt not only talked about Ophiuchus, but he also advocated a 14th sign, called Cetus.

Ophiuchus may not be an official zodiac sign, but it still leaves people curious about how it would shift all other signs. We’ve added a table where you can check which zodiac corresponds to your birth date when the 13th sign is involved:

Zodiac Sign Dates
♑ Capricorn January 20 to February 16
♒ Aquarius February 17 to March 11
♓ Pisces March 12 to April 18
♈ Aries April 19 to May 13
♉ Taurus May 14 to June 21
♊ Gemini June 22 to July 20
♋ Cancer July 21 to August 10
♌ Leo August 11 to September 16
♍ Virgo September 17 to October 30
♎ Libra October 31 to November 23
♏ Scorpio November 24 to November 29
⛎ Ophiuchus November 30 to December 17
♐ Sagittarius December 18 to January 20

For those of you who believe and identify as an Ophiuchus, what is your gambling horoscope 2021? You are placed between Scorpio and Sagittarius, two very strong zodiac signs, and you carry traits from both. You are a mysterious soul that does not open up easily, especially in an unfamiliar setting.

Once you do, however, you are an outgoing, adventurous being, ready to take a challenge. You are also very determent and impatient, which may have a toll on you when you gamble. Keep the fire burning, but we suggest you tone it down a little, as you may get in trouble. You will have Lady Luck by your side on card games, including poker, blackjack, and baccarat.

If It Is Not in Your Horoscope – Manifest It!

There are different gambling superstitions and spells that you can use to call in money and luck in your life. If you’re into occult stuff, you can do some research and cast a spell or create an amulet. There is no need to go too overboard with fancy stuff you see online, just use what you have at home. For example, you can put bay leaves or cinnamon in your wallet to attract money.

There is also this awesome thing called manifesting that you can try. Think of it as a prayer or a mantra, depending on your preference. Write it down, read it out loud, repeat it how many times you think it would be needed and see the magic happen. You can easily manifest money from lottery. Of course, keep in mind that it might take some time for the manifestations to work, but you will be surprised by the results. You just need to clear your mind and truly believe in what you are calling into your life.

Simple Abundance Manifestation

This chant became viral on all social media platforms, thanks to the Tik Tok creator, ‘King’. People who have listened to the mantra for manifesting money into their lives share amazing stories of unexpected winnings, work bonuses and more. We’ve included the chant here so that you can try it for yourself:

“Ching, ching, ching goes the money tree

And everytime it ching, money comes to me.

It all flows in so abundantly.

From the top, left, right and up under me.

Wave, wave, wave, I’m a money wave

Money flow, money flow, money made.

Flowing in and out plus money saved.

Debt, debt, debt all debt is paid.”

The mantra clears “clutter” and makes room for more energy and an easy flow of money. The Tik Toker shares that it may not work for everyone, but it is a powerful manifestation that might help you heal your connection to money.

The Power of Grabovoi Numbers

Another viral ‘trend’ that people are talking about a lot is the power of the Grabovoi numbers. Grigory Petrovich Grabovoi is the creator of those numeral codes and here is why they exist.

We are all sharing a common ground, and we’re all connected within the electromagnetic fields of the Earth. This is the Radionic theory, and the Grabovoi numbers are based on that. Grigory uses these codes to spread the Lord’s word all around the world, giving people the opportunity to heal, become stronger and bring harmony to all mankind. There are a lot of interesting resources on the topic, and we highly recommend you read more about it.

There are different Grabovoi codes that carry specific vibrations. When you connect to the chose sequence, you can manifest what you most desire – health, love, prosperity and/or abundance. We’ve listed some of the most used Grabovoi numbers for attracting money below:

  • Win the Lottery – 4610567
  • Unexpected Money – 520 741/ 520 741 889 8
  • Win Money – 7646574

Again, we advise you to do your research before you start using Grabovoi codes for manifesting money. There are some specific methods that you need to understand and apply to see results. Also, keep an open mind and trust the process, as well as yourself.


Did you find our gambling horoscope 2021 interesting? Would you like us to write one for next year as well? We hope we grabbed your attention and taught you something new. We will keep you updated for future readings! Meanwhile, feel free to check out our other blog posts and reviews.


This FAQ section gives you the answers to popular questions about the gambling horoscope for the year 2021. You will find extra info here, based on our research and some help from the editors.

❓ Who will win the lottery according to the gambling horoscope for 2021?

Some of the signs are going to be really lucky this year. The ones that should buy lottery tickets are Aries, Gemini and Libra. You all have great lucky numbers and Lady Luck is on your side. The placement of the planets are in your favour, make the best of it!

❔ Which zodiac sign is the luckiest in 2021?

Come to think of it, every zodiac sign is lucky if you set your mind to it. Even if the horoscope does not say it, you can easily manifest money into your life. There are great mantras and affirmations for attracting abundance that you could try.

🤔 What is the best day to go gambling?

Each zodiac sign has specific days marked in their natal chart that are considered lucky. If we have to generalise it, Monday and Friday are the luckiest days for most signs, as well as Thursday. These are also great days to send emails and making business deals.

💭 What are sacred codes?

Sacred codes, or Grabovoi codes, are a series of numbers that correspond with specific frequencies and vibrations. When using these codes, you can attract health, love and/or money in your life. There are different codes for any occasion, including Grabovoi numbers for lottery.

🤗 Can you really manifest money?

Even if you feel like the stars are against you, you can change your current path through manifestations. They can help you raise self-confidence, attract love and money or luck in starting a new job, for example. There is an effective and powerful money mantra that might bring you luck and extra cash when gambling.

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