Russian Roulette Championship

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World Championship Russian Roullete Board Game Overall Info

📛 Game Name: World Championship Russian Roulette
✍️ Publisher: Tuesday Knight Games, Black Monk, 17wanzy
#️⃣ Number of Players: 2-6
⏏️ Genre: Bluffing
🃏 Designer: Antony Burch
🎨 Artists: Weberson Santiago Adam P. McIver
📅 Year of Release: 2017
⌛ Average Playing Time: 20-30mins
🔞 Age Requirement: 12+

The World Championship Russian Roulette game was developed and released in 2017 by Antony Burch. The game takes the essence of the original Russian roulette, but it doesn’t include suicide intentions. Indeed, the game was transformed into something way funnier and cool. The number of players varies between 2-6, but our recommendation is to play with 3-5 players. Playing with more players is always equal to more fun!

The time for which you will finish Russian Roulette World Championship game depends on the number of players, but roughly it takes 15-30 mins to complete it. This is another reason why we like it because in no time you can start a new one. The point of the game is to stay alive and bluff your way to the win. Later on, we will explain the rules of the game in detail, have patience.

We said earlier that the game is perfect for any occasion. If you are practical enough, you can even transform it into a drinking game, but only if you are above the legal age to buy alcohol. Alright, we said enough! It is time to tell you more about the rules and the best strategies of how to beat all other players.

Playing Cards Spread On a Table

World Championship Russian Roulette Card Game Guidelines

In order to present everything correctly, we will do it step by step. First, we will show you all the tools and cards you can use. Then we will explain more about the gameplay itself and how to win the game. We intend to start with the cards first.

Players, Cards & Basic Tools

On the list below, you will find the type and number of cards that are part of the World Championship Russian Roulette board game box set. Now we explain what the cards do and how you should use them. We will start with the basics.

First, you need to choose your card heroes/characters. As you see, there are 24 cards of that type, but the characters are six. Their names are Borya Babushka, Victor Vengence, Sammy Sausagefingers, Dirty Daryl, Cassie Cashless and Trinh Triumph. Each character comes with four cards.

  • 24 Character Cards
  • 55 Gun Cards
  • 6 Bidding Dice
  • 30 Action Cards
  • 42 Victory Tokens
  • 6 Pocket Reference Tiles

When you pick up your characters, you must get familiar with the six Pocket Reference Tiles, and each player must pick his bidding dice. The Pocket Reference Tiles pretty much shows you what you must do. To win the game, you need to collect 15 points. How to do it, you will find out later on. Let us explain what the rest of the cards do before we step into the rules.

In Russian Roulette World Championship, you challenge other players and bid on the outcome of their cards. For now, it might sound confusing, but soon you will understand it. In the deck, there are Bang cards and Click cards which you play the whole time. When you successfully guess how many trigger pulls the opponent does, you receive victory cards (gold/silver bullets) that bring points. Now the most important cards are the Action Cards because they give you the chance to change the course of the game.

Group of Friend are Having Fun

World Championship Russian Roulette Gameplay Guide

Now to the real deal stuff or how to play the World Championship Russian Roulette game. We already told some bits of the rules because it was necessary in order to introduce the playing cards. Please excuse us if we repeat some steps, but it will be needed to complete the whole picture.

To begin with, you need to lay down the floor or otherwise said, all players must place their four-character cards on the table. Then each person needs to take out the Pocket Reference Tiles of its character. Then the distribution of cards starts. Each player takes six Click cards and one Bang card in their deck for a start. Then you look again at the Pocket Reference Tiles and follow the steps.

The first one is called Pocket. This means that you can take one of your seven cards (including the Bang one) and place it under your Pocket Reference Tile. Then we move to the second step – Spin. Here you must shuffle the rest of your cards in your hand, so you don’t know their order anymore. Then comes step number three – Bidding. Here is getting interesting…One player must “challenge” another and bid on the number of cards he will pull from his hand before he hits a Bang card.

When you challenge a player to turns his card/s, he pulls an Action card if it’s not a Bang card. Meanwhile, because you’ve mistaken, you draw a second Bang card and place it in your hand, so now you have 2 in your deck.

If you guess when the Bang card will appear, you kill one of the players of the challenged person, and you get 3 Action cards. The game continues until there is only one player left on the table or when one of them reaches 15 victory points. The Action cards deliver various benefits to you. We won’t tell you what all of these cards do, but we can give you several examples.

Revolver Laying on a Table

The Action cards assist you in winning the game. Some will give you the chance to look at your cards or make the challenged player pull the trigger again. Others could let you “point your gun to the sky” or save you if your next card is a Bang one. A third can let you change the Bang card in your deck with a Click card. Basically, the more Action card you have, the better, because you can manipulate the game as you want.

The game is all about bidding, guessing and bluffing others. For example, as we said, you can put your Bang card under your Pocket Reference Tail, but this is a risky move. If someone challenges you, you will be totally screwed. So be careful, play clever and expect everything.

Final Words

It is time to express our opinion about Russian Roulette World Championship and its performance on the market compared with other famous board games. As you can guess, the game is not very popular in the USA, but many Europeans definitely like it. In the last decade, many fun board games for adults, like the World Championship Russian roulette game, were released and quickly became super popular, like the “Cards Against Humanity” or the “Exploding Kittens”.

Some people even prefer casino board games where you can also win/lose some money. If you are interested to learn what elderly people prefer to play, you can also check our American Association of Retired Persons games article. Keep in mind that many of the titles mentioned there are suitable for all ages.


We are sure that after this article, you will have additional questions related to either the gameplay or the meaning of the cards. So, we decided to collect the most frequently asked questions about the World Championship Russian Roulette card game that players seek to find on the web.

❓ What is World Championship Russian Roulette?

World Championship Russian Roulette is one super funny and entertaining card/board game that you can enjoy playing with your friends. The foundation lays on the original Russian roulette rules but without putting any of the players in danger of killing themselves.

🃏 What the World Championship Russian Roulette cards do?

The box set of World Championship Russian Roulette game contain large variety of playing cards. All of them play a different role in the game. Check the extensive card guide that we have consisted for you and where you can find an explanation of all types of cards and their roles.

📖 Is there an available World Championship Russian Roulette guide?

Yes, there is one. We have gathered all the needed information in order to complete our World Championship Russian Roulette guide,so you can learn quickly how to play and what strategy to apply. The game is based mainly on luck and your skills of bluffing the other players.

🙋 How to play World Championship Russian Roulette board game?

We have prepared a guide on how to play World Championship Russian Roulette, so you can find out what is the best strategy of winning the game. Keep in mind that each game takes 15-30 mins, so you can practice until you master it.

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