SAGSE and PGS agree on joint strategies and sectoral unit



ccording to what both entities indicated, and as a first initiative, they announced they will work “side by side to achieve a compelling SAGSE Facetime, on May 26 at 3:00 p.m., focused on sports betting, with this being an opportunity for the sectoral unit, after such a long time,” noted Alan Burak, the Vice President of Monografie and the organizer of the virtual event.

“The pandemic is upon us with its second wave and we have the obligation to accompany and understand that Latin America and the rest of the world continue to experience an unprecedented crisis, that beyond the health aspect has very complex economic consequences for the gaming industry,” he added. “This crisis will require of everyone’s effort to overcome it, and understanding that is how we were able to unify criteria and agree on joint work strategies.”

“It is a unique opportunity that in times of crisis, two emblematic and representative organizations for the gaming sector in Latin America come together in a supportive and professional alliance,” added Rubén Solorzano and Joe Lopez, heads of PGS. 

The event on May 26 will be exclusive and free of charge for operators, regulators, and sponsors.

Those who wish to join it can pre-register through the following link:

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