Asia-focused online casino games distributor QTech Games has further built on its already strong momentum with a recent agreement with rising star iGaming content supplier Lady Luck Games.
Under the terms of this recent deal, QTech has integrated content from the promising and highly innovative studio to add more variety to its already content-heavy aggregation platform.
The newly added games include Lady Luck’s latest release – Valley Of The Muses – a 10-line online slot inspired by Ancient Greece, as well as other popular titles by the up-and-coming games maker such as Dragon Slayer and Ruler of Egypt.
News about the partnership between QTech and Lady Luck emerged shortly after gambling software firm EveryMatrix announced a strategic investment in the young studio ahead of its Stockholm listing. The iGaming content maker is set to list on NASDAQ First North Growth Market in late June.
This new deal with QTech will broaden Lady Luck’s international footprint and will unlock untapped jurisdictions like Asia, Eastern Europe, and Latin America for the games builder.
It should further be noted that Lady Luck is not QTech’s sole link to EveryMatrix. Late last year, the content distributor integrated games from Spearhead Studios, EveryMatrix’s own game development arm.
Deal Extends QTech’s 2021 Pipeline
Commenting on this recent deal, QTech Games CCO Ulf Norder said that they are dedicated to “rolling out high-quality content that drives revenue for our partners” and that their partnership with Lady Luck further extends their already “impressive sequential pipeline for 2021.”
Mr. Norder went on that in the competitive iGaming space, only premium content can separate a company from the crowd and that they are thrilled to see how Lady Luck delivers on this demand with its games’ “stunning graphics, coupled to the latest maths models for superior gameplay and high-variance volatility where preferred.”
Kenny Dahlsjö, VP Sales at Lady Luck, said that their partnership with QTech gives them a fantastic opportunity to expand their products’ footprint in important markets that show steady growth. Mr. Dahlsjö went on to say that their alliance with the content distributor represents a perfect “alignment of creative forces, high-end technology and solid business knowledge which […]
are helping transform the user experience for worldwide players.”
QTech has had very successful few months as it recently launched an industry-first, cross-supplier rewards feature – Network Progressive Jackpot – to unpack a cutting-edge acquisition and retention toolbox for its partners around the world. The addition of this new feature is set to further help the company achieve its goal to become a leading provider of online casino entertainment in Asia and other emerging markets with big growth potential by 2023.