Nairobi institutes higher range of licensing fees for gambling-friendly premises

Casino News

Operators of gambling-friendly venues located in the Kenyan capital of Nairobi reportedly now have to pay a range of higher licensing fees following the passage of new legislation that has been designed to bring in more tax revenues and cash for charitable causes.

According to a report from the Business Daily Africa newspaper, the Nairobi County Assembly’s ratification of the Nairobi City County Betting, Lotteries and Gaming Act of 2021 means that betting premises must hand over about $5,560 for their inaugural licenses while simultaneously paying a $92 application fee. The new legislation has also purportedly instituted a $278 annual renewal charge as well as a $92 location transfer duty.

Costly certification:

For those properties in Nairobi offering casino-like games and the revised bill has reportedly implemented a $926 grant fee alongside a $92 application duty with $2,780 for every annual renewal and $1,850 for each transfer. There is additionally now a purported $37,000 charge for yearly lottery licenses on top of a $9,260 application tariff with $4,630 and $231 being due for annual renewals and transfers respectively.

Operator obligation:

For anyone thinking about applying for a license to offer gambling in Nairobi and the newspaper reported that domestic candidates are now subject to a $4,630 ‘investigation fee,’ which is to be doubled for those applicants who happen to be foreign.

Public purse:

The newspaper reported that the gambling industry in Kenya, which has a population sitting at approximately 55 million people, has grown rapidly over the last few decades and is now a multi-million-dollar industry. The move from the government of Nairobi is purportedly an attempt to accumulate some of this impressive wealth so as to help improve a range of public welfare and infrastructure programs.

Jackpot toll:

Business Africa Daily reported that the revised Nairobi legislation has moreover brought in a $46 fee for every draw conducted by any local betting, lottery or gaming enterprise in addition to a 10% ‘entertainment tax’ accessed against winning revenues. Bingo operators have not escaped notice as they will now purportedly be obliged to fork out about $278 for three-month operating licenses and hand over 15% of their proceeds to the County Lottery Distribution Trust Fund for distribution within two weeks to a range of ‘good causes.

Sportsbetting burden:

The newspaper finished by reporting that properties in Nairobi offering ‘totalizator’ action whether it be via machine or in-person betting are now obligated to pay a $1,850 grant fee alongside a $926 annual renewal duty and a $92 transfer charge on every application.

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