Gambling News

Weight Gaming – Gain Money Weight The whole process can be done on your own or with others. Both DietBet and HealthyWage gaming apps allow recruiting family and friends along the way. You can also participate with other players and by joining the online group challenges, weight gaming will feel like a piece of cake.
I am Charlie Brown to The Rat’s Lucy van Pelt. When The Rat guest-blogged that the re-opening of casinos could bring a uniquely juicy opportunity for APs, I was skeptical. I told Anthony Curtis, “So surveillance has a little more work, but that doesn’t turn a sweatshop into a candy store.” I made a verbose
The Biggest Mega Moolah Winner – World Record Holder Ever since its release in November 2006, Mega Moolah has turned into the most anticipated progressive jackpot game. Punters from every corner of the world are smashing the reels in search of the next million quid win. The Mega Moolah’s features and gameplay are quite simple
The Slots Lounge The AOL Slots Lounge is a flash player-based platform that allows you to create an account and play casino games with your friends completely for free. Of course, an account is not necessary in order to play, but there are many perks that you receive with a confirmed account. Your profile will
No guest this week as Bob and I once again dip into the mail bag. We welcome your questions – send them to us at [email protected], or you can find me at @RWM21 on Twitter or Click to listen – Alt click to download Show Notes [00:00] Introduction [00:39] Bob’s recent experiences in Las Vegas
The NHS England director of mental health has warned betting companies not to exploit the return of televised football with “reckless” advertising campaigns that could cause more problem gambling while health service resources are stretched responding to the Covid-19 pandemic. Claire Murdoch, who has overseen the establishment of 14 clinics across the country to treat
No guest this week as Bob and I once again dip into the mail bag. We welcome your questions – send them to us at [email protected]m, or you can find me at @RWM21 on Twitter or podcast Click to listen – Alt click to download Show Notes[00:00] Introduction [00:57] Women’s physical appearance in AP [02:57]
Gambling welfare campaigners have warned of a potential “frenzy” in betting on football when the Premier League and Championship restart, with all 92 remaining top-flight games televised live to supporters still largely in lockdown. Betting companies are expected to resume sustained advertising and marketing, particularly via the apps on which people have accounts to gamble
0 Comments is a marvelous collection of world authorities talking about what they know best. I am very impressed with their teachers.  I had heard about a 2-for-1 sale they were offering in early April, so I signed up. Usually it’s $180 per year for full access to thousands of hours of instruction, but the recent
Our guest this week is two time backgammon world champion and author, Bill Robertie. We welcome your questions – send them to us at [email protected], or you can find me at @RWM21 on Twitter or podcastClick to listen – Alt click to download Show Notes [00:00] Introduction of Bill Robertie, 2x winner of the World
I’ve been publishing and giving gambling advice for decades. Sometimes thinking like a gambler helps in areas far removed from gambling itself. Today I want to share such a case. (If you only want discussion of video poker, perhaps you should skip this week.) Among other interests, I participate in Toastmasters, a group dedicated to
In the middle of his famous poem “If,” Rudyard Kipling poses the condition, “If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster and treat those two impostors just the same.” At the end of the poem filled with twenty or so other conditions, comes the conclusion, “you’ll be a Man, my son.”  Although addressed to his